File Transfer Server
FileMage Gateway is a file transfer server designed for the cloud.
Runs In Your Cloud
Distributed as a virtual machine image which runs in your cloud account.
Bring Your Own Storage
Files are transfered directly to your cloud object storage service.
Protect Your Data
Don't pay extra for storage and keep your data entirely within your cloud.
Easy Deployment
One click deployment from your cloud provider marketplace.
Flexible Billing
The application server is billed hourly. Only pay for the compute you need.
Multiple Protocols
Upload and download using SFTP, FTPS, or web browser.
Seamless Experience
Browse and download in real time just like a regular file system.
Secure and Fast
Uploads are streamed in memory without writing to disk.
Easy Configuration
Configurable using a web interface or API.
Permission Management
Manage access and sharing using folder linking and permissions.
Let's Encrypt
Automatically provision free Let's Encrypt SSL certificates.
Migrate existing file transfer
workflows to your cloud with ease.

Flexible resource based billing
Unlimited user accounts and data transfers. Billed hourly based on provisioned capacity. Use cloud autoscaling and scheduling APIs to only pay for the resources you need, when you need them.

Customizable folder permissions
A granular permission management system lets administrators configure read and write permissions on folders for users and groups. Easily exchange files with business partners securely.

Powerful security controls
Rest easy knowing that your data transfers are protected by security features such as brute force log-in prevention, audit logging and automatic certificate management.
One Click Deploy to Your Cloud
Billed Hourly by
Instance Size
Integrate your file management
and your cloud storage today.

Customizable Web
File Manager
End users can browse and transfer files in an easy to use web interface, and manage their own credentials and keys. Customizable logo and colors to make your branding visible to partners.