# Administrator Password Reset

Administrator account passwords can only be reset by invoking the filemage reset command on the virtual machine.

# Windows

  1. Connect to the virtual machine using RDP.

  2. Open command prompt as a administrator.

  3. Run the command:

filemage reset <ADMINISTRATOR_EMAIL>

If the file does not exist, you may have a older version of the image which does not have the utility script. Instead run the command:

"C:\Program Files\FileMage\Gateway\filemage.exe" -c "C:\ProgramData\FileMage\Gateway\config.yaml" reset <ADMINISTRATOR_EMAIL>

# Linux

  1. Connect to the virtual maching using SSH.

  2. Run the command:

sudo filemage reset <ADMINISTRATOR_EMAIL>

If the file does not exist, you may have a older version of the image which does not have the utility script. Instead run the command:

sudo su filemage -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/filemage/bin/gateway -c /etc/filemage/config.yml reset <ADMINISTRATOR_EMAIL>"